Boulder. What a unique place. I've been here less than 24 hours and I've already learned so much! For example, it is illegal to ride a horse within the state of Colorado while under the influence. It is an actual law. Look it up.
I was not supposed to be in Colorado yet. Not until the end of May, but waking up to 6 inches of snow yesterday threw the best laid plans in the can. The tent was sagging under the weight of the fresh powder, so we packed up camp and headed east. It was a gorgeous drive. The Colorado and White rivers accompanied the road as it wound through spectacular canyons. There was snow through Vail pass, but the resorts all looked deserted. Guess no one expects it to dump in May!
It is probably a good thing that this weather struck when it did. After two weeks in Joe's, my hands were finally starting to show wear, despite the exfoliating nature of the rock.
Despite my torn up hands I managed to send a super fun V3 in New Joe's called Snake Mouth. However, almost immediately post send the rain came. We retreated to camp, but not until after I gave Self-Service, an ultra-classic climb, a pretty good go. I felt like sending but the weather said otherwise. I definitely have some projects left undone in Joe's and cannot wait to return! That place is dopeeeeeee! (extra e's for emphasis of its dopeness) Farwell Utah, you were good to me.
Who knows what adventures await me here?! The one thing that I do know is I am stoked to be here and hope this damn rain stops soon!
In case you didn't happen to see my obnoxious facebook post, I sent my project Gatorade! It's the first V5 I've ever done. Hopefully it won't be my last : )
Peace cbyerspace.
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